Thursday, 10 September 2015





Smile Awhile (focus on fellowship – 10 mins):
Lead members to mention two countries in Africa

Into His Presence (focus on worship – 10 mins):
Lead the cell members in a time of adoration to God as led by the Holy Spirit.

Digging Deeper (focus on the word – 40 mins):

Main Text: 1Sam. 1:24-28, 2:18-20.
Memory Verse: Prov. 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.


Parental care is the intentional attention parents give to their children to achieve an intended result. Right attitude towards children is essential for good parenting. Equally one has to know his or her responsibilities in order to discharge them effectively. But none of these is adequate if our goals in parenting are wrong. The big question is what do we aim at in bringing up our children as parents? It is therefore important for every Christian parent to seek the knowledge needed to bring up their children in the fear and instructions of the Lord.

Discussion Questions

1. As Christians what should be our goal in parenting? Col.1:28
2. From the passage, how did Hannah raise her child?
3. What are some of the right attitudes we can show towards our children?
4. Why do you think Eli blessed Elkanah? 1 Sam 2:20
5. To what extent can we attribute Samuel’s call as a prophet to his mother’s good parental care?
6. Personally what have you learnt from the lesson?


In our main text, we learn about how Hannah decided to dedicate her son Samuel to the service of God. Though her son had to leave home at a very tender age, (1Sam.1:24) Hannah gave Samuel all the necessary training and guidance needed for Samuel to become a responsible adult. (1Sam.2:18). It can be assumed from the scripture that Hannah advised Samuel to be of good behaviour whenever she made her annual trip to the temple to sacrifice (1Sam.2:19). This made Samuel outstanding among the sons of Eli. Hannah’s good parental care to Samuel caused Eli the priest to praise and bless her. One of our major goals as Christian parents is to bring our children up as mature Christian men and women who may be Medical doctors, Engineers, Pastors, Farmers or some other useful professionals. Bringing up mature adults balanced in every sphere of their lives should be our aim. (Col. 1: 28).

Stand with Me (focus on praying for members’ needs – 10 mins):
Lead members to pray for parents to be godly and for children to be obedient.

Making Jesus Known (focus on evangelism – 10 mins):

Lead members to pray for wayward children and children who are being trafficked.

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