Friday, 18 September 2015




PARENTAL CARE (Leading The Family To God)

Smile Awhile (focus on fellowship – 10 mins):
Lead members to share their favourite food.

Into His Presence (focus on worship – 10 mins):
Lead the cell members in a time of adoration to God as led by the Holy Spirit.

Digging Deeper (focus on the word – 40 mins):
Topic: PARENTAL CARE (Leading The Family To God.)

Main Text: 2 Timothy 1:1-7
Memory Verse: Prov. 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.


The future of the nation, families and even the church lies in how the young ones are brought up by godly parents. When parents provide sound biblical training in homes, there is a brighter future ahead. Parents must therefore be burdened to lead their children to God through sound Bible based parental care. In today’s study, we will take a critical look at how Timothy, a young man, was carefully trained by his mother (Eunice) who had also been trained by her mother (Lois) in the LORD.

Discussion Questions

1. What kind of faith was in Timothy? Verse 5
2. How did Timothy receive such a faith? Verse 5
3. How did Eunice and Lois influence Timothy’s life?
4. How does good parental care affect the upbringing of children?
5. Discuss what our responsibilities are as parents in training our children.
a. What character in Timothy drew Paul to him?
b. How can we impact those characters to our children?


If parents shirk their parental responsibilities, they turn out children and people who become either a nuisance or liability to the church, nation or even family. As we have learnt today, Eunice, the mother of Timothy ensured that she entrusted the sincere faith she received from her mother (Lois) to her son. For our children to be responsible adults we must make deliberate effort to bring them up in the fear of the LORD and in wisdom.

Stand with Me (focus on praying for members’ needs – 10 mins):
Lead members to pray for one another in turns for specific needs, especially their children.

Making Jesus Known (focus on evangelism – 10 mins):

Lead members to pray for the community, nation and also all mission fields that the glory of God would be seen, and that wayward children will receive a touch from God.

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