Tuesday, 3 February 2015



Smile Awhile: (focus on fellowship-10mins)
Please lead Cell members to share some benefits of attending home cell meetings/the joy (or otherwise) they have in their profession/occupation.

Into His Presence: (focus on worship-10mins)
The Cell Leader/Cell member leads the Cell in a time of adoration to God as led by the Holy Spirit.

Digging Deeper: (focus on the Word-40mins)
Main Text: Exodus 18:13-27

Memory Verse: Moses’ father-in-law said to him, “What you are doing is not good. You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone.Exodus 18: 17-18

Moses was a great leader of the congregation of Israel. From the main text, he will sit alone from morning till evening everyday listening to the people’s complaints and disputes. His father-in-law, Jethro, observed the ministry of Moses and said “what you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourself out”Exodus 18:17-18. Jethro went ahead to counsel Moses to divide the congregation into smaller groups of 1000s, 100s, 50s and 10s. The leaders at the various levels were to shepherd the people under them and provide them with counselling and support in difficult situations. In this way, Moses will have rest and the people will go home satisfied.

In the Church of Pentecost, Pastors and Presiding Elders will face the challenge of Moses if they have to listen to every dispute and at the same time shepherd the flock. The Home Cell system follows the counsel of Jethro, with Cell Leaders at various levels providing the shepherding and discipleship needs of all members. In this way, members’ needs could be addressed easily and quickly. This is why EVERY member is expected and encouraged to be a member of a Cell for growth and accountability.

Discussion Questions
1. What was Moses doing that was not right? Why was it not right? Verse 13, 17-18
2. How do Pastors and Presiding Elders/Officers in the Church of Pentecost act like Moses?
3. What are the benefits of breaking the congregation into smaller (Cell) groups? Verse 23
4. What are to be the qualifications of the Cell Leaders? Verse 21
5. What are to be the responsibilities of the Cell Leaders? Verse 22
6. How is the Pastor/Presiding Elder to function in the Church according to Jethro’s Model? Verse 19-20
7. How can I ensure that the Cell system put in place will be effective to achieve its purpose?

Following Jethro’s advice, Moses chose capable men to be in charge of the groups. This arrangement relieved Moses to play his priestly role of standing before the Lord for the people. He also became committed to teaching and nurturing the leaders on how to live their lives (character) and what work they must do (skill). Thus, Moses ministered to the small group leaders while the small group leaders ministered to the congregation. Certainly, there may be times when Moses ministered to the congregation directly.

This is the structure of the Cell system in the Church of Pentecost. Pastors and Presiding Elders are expected to teach and nurture the Cell Leaders in character and skill while the Cell Leaders impart the members at the Cell level. When the structure is effective in any Local/ District, the leaders will be less stressed and the members will be satisfied.

Stand with Me (focus on praying for members’ needs -10mins)
Members should pray for the District Pastors, Presiding Elders, Presbyters & Cell Leaders to be committed to the Cell Ministry. Any other prayer needs could be raised.

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