Monday, 12 August 2013


WEEK 33: Sunday August 18, 2013.

Worship Time - Shameless Worship


Text: 2 Samuel 6:20-22



David was not concerned about what those watching thought of his worship. His reputation was of no concern to him. He was shameless in the outward expressions of his passion for God. True worshipers should be just as undignified as David in their outward expressions of worship. Though they may choose to express their worship differently from David, they should be willing to be shameless and unconcerned about what others think.


I recall times when I was at a local assembly and observed most of our mothers rolling on the ground in worship of God. They were simply shameless in expressing their worship before God.



  • Are you concerned about what others think of your outward expressions of worship? Discuss your answer.
  • How would you demonstrate your shamelessness in your worship?
  • Are you hesitant when you feel like lying prostrate or crying during worship? Discuss.


Lead the group to worship the Lord.

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