Monday, 5 August 2013


WEEK 31: Sunday August 4, 2013.

Discussion on Causes & Management of Grief & Grieving 1

Main Text: 2 Samuel 1:1-27

Memory Verse: Romans 8:28

Life is a journey of mountains and valleys. Christians should be prepared to go through it in the strength which God provides to his children. In this lesson and the next one we shall look at grief and grieving.

Grief is the emotional reaction to a significant loss. This often causes sorrow and heartache. Whether you lose a beloved person, animal, place, or object, or a valued way of life (such as your job, marriage, or good health), some level of grief will naturally follow. On the other hand, grieving is the process of emotional and life adjustment people go through after a loss. Grieving is a personal experience. Depending on who you are and the nature of your loss, your process of grieving will be different from another person's experience.

Discussion Questions

1. How can each of the following cause grief and grieving?

·         Death of a loved one.

·         Disability from a severe accident or illness.

·         Divorce or the end of a relationship.

·         Miscarriage or stillbirth.

·         The birth of a child with a birth defect.

·         Loss of independence after a serious accident or illness.

·         Improper and/or unexpected removal from office.

·         Job loss or Loss of opportunities to attain to set goals.

2. How can each of the above grief-causing factors be managed?

3. What other grief-causing factors do you know of?

4. What does the Word of God tell us about how to manage grief? Romans 8:35-39

Spirituality often is part of the grieving process. You may find yourself looking for or questioning the higher purpose of a loss. While you may gain comfort from your religious or spiritual beliefs, you might also be moved to doubt your beliefs in the face of traumatic or senseless loss. Individuals should find ways of expressing their grief.  We should use whatever mode of expression works for us. Talking, writing, praying, creating art or music, or being physically active, are all ways of expressing grief. For the Child of God total reliance on the promises of God helps us stand firm in times of grief.

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