Week 5
of the Cells (small groups) in the Old Testament
Week 6
is the Pentecostal Fire?
Week 7
of the Presence of the Pentecostal Fire
Week 8
Importance of the Pentecostal Fire
Smile Awhile (focus on fellowship-10mins)
Please lead Cell members
to share the joy (or otherwise) they have in their profession/occupation.
Into His Presence (focus on worship-10mins)
The Cell Leader/Cell
member leads the Cell in a time of adoration to God as led by the Holy Spirit.
Digging Deeper (focus
on the Word-40mins)
Topic: Importance of Cell
Groups in Old Testament.
Main Text Exodus 18:13-27
Verse Moses’ father-in-law said to him, “What you are doing
is not good. You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out,
for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone.Exodus 18: 17-18
Moses was a great leader of the congregation of
Israel. From the main text, he will sit alone from morning till evening
everyday listening to the people complains and disputes. His father-in-law,
Jethro, observed the ministry of Moses and said “what you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you
will only yourself out”-Exodus 18:17-18. Jethro went ahead to counsel Moses
to divide the congregation into smaller groups of 1000s, 100s, 50s and 10s. The
leaders at the various levels were to shepherd the people under them and
provide them with counselling and support in difficult situations. In this way,
Moses will have rest and the people will go home satisfied. In the Church of
Pentecost, Pastors and Presiding Elders will face the challenge of Moses if
they have to listen to every dispute and at the same time shepherd the flock.
The Home Cell system follows the counsel of Jethro, with Cell Leaders at
various levels providing the shepherding and discipleship needs of all members. In this way, members’ needs could be
addressed easily and quickly. This is why EVERY member is expected and
encouraged to be a member of a Cell for growth and accountability.
Discussion Questions
What was Moses’ doing that
was not right? Why was it not right? Verse 13, 17-18
How do Pastors and
Presiding Elders/Officers in the Church of Pentecost act like Moses?
What are the benefits of
breaking the congregation into small (Cell) groups? Verse 23
What are to be the
qualifications of the Cell Leaders? Verse 21
What are to be the
responsibilities of the Cell Leaders? Verse 22
How is the
Pastor/Presiding Elder to function in the Church according to Jethro’s Model?
Verse 19-20
7. How can I ensure that the Cell system put in
place will be effective to achieve its purpose?
to Jethro’s advice, Moses chose capable men to be in charge of the groups. This arrangement released Moses to play his
priestly role of standing before the Lord for the people. He also became
committed to teaching and nurturing the leaders on how to live their lives
(character) and what work they must do (skill). Thus, Moses ministered to the
small group leaders whiles the small group leaders ministered to the
congregation. Certainly, there may be times when Moses ministered to the congregation
directly. This is the structure of the Cell system in the Church of Pentecost.
Pastors and Presiding Elders are expected to teach and nurture the Cell Leaders
in character and skill whiles the Cell Leaders impart the members at the Cell
level. When the structure is effective in any Local/District, the leaders will be
less stressed and the members will be satisfied.
Stand with Me (focus
on praying for members’ needs-10mins)-members should pray for the District Pastors,
Presiding Elders, Presbyters & Cell Leaders to be committed to the Cell
Ministry. Any other prayer needs could be raised.
Making Jesus Known (focus
on evangelism-10mins)-Cell Leader/member leads
the Cell to pray for unbelievers within our families, asking the Lord to save
them from the power of sin and Satan.
Smile Awhile:
on fellowship – 10 mins)
members to discuss their first experience of Holy Spirit baptism. They can feel
free to discuss how they felt and how the Holy Spirit works in them today.
Into His Presence(focus on worship – 10 mins)
the cell members in a time of adoration to God as led by the Holy Spirit.
Digging Deeper(focus on the word – 40 mins)
Topic: What is the Pentecostal
Main Text:
Acts 2:1-13
Memory Verse:
John answered them all, “I baptise you
with water. But one more powerful than I will come. The thongs of whose sandals
I am not worthy to untie. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with
fire.” Luke 3:16 NIV.
believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking
in tongues. This belief is based on the fact that Jesus told the disciples not
to leave Jerusalem until they are baptised with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-5).
This experience is believed to be unique and distinct from the rebirth or
regeneration experience because before Jesus asked them to go and wait in
Jerusalem, He had already breathed on them and gave them the Holy Spirit (John
20:23). Apart from this incidence, there are other examples in the Acts of the
Apostles, where hands were laid on believers and they received the baptism of
the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues. Today’s lesson focuses on
the Holy Spirit baptism, which is referred to here as the “Pentecostal Fire”.
Discussion Questions:
- What was the symbol of the Holy Spirit that came upon them while they were all praying together? Acts 2:3
- What was the evidence that they were all filled with the Holy Spirit? Acts 2:4
- Is speaking in tongue always the initial evidence of Holy Spirit baptism? Explain.
- Why do you think it was necessary for the disciples to wait as instructed by Jesus until they are baptised with fire?
- How important is the Holy Spirit baptism to you as a believer?
experience of the Holy Spirit baptism clothes the believer with power from on
high (Lk. 24:49). One of
the convictions of the early Pentecostals was that their experience was a
“fire” that would spread all over the world: an end-time universal revival to
precede the return of Jesus Christ. The places of
the world today where the church is expanding the fastest are those places
where Christians are yielded to the Pentecostal experience. Like other
Classical Pentecostals, we (the Church of Pentecost) believe that speaking in
tongues is always the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit Baptism.
Stand with Me: (focus on praying for members’ needs – 10
mins). Members pray for infilling of the
Holy Spirit. Those who have not yet been baptised in the Holy Spirit with the
evidence of speaking in tongues should be gathered in the Chapel together with
others and Church leaders pray with them to receive the baptism.
Making Jesus Known(focus on evangelism – 10 mins)
members to pray for unbelievers within the community, asking the Lord to save
them from the power of sin and Satan. Pray also for missions work and
Smile Awhile:
on fellowship – 10 mins)
cell members to discuss their experiences with the operation of the Holy Spirit
in the local church. Members can talk about things they have seen the Holy
Spirit do in the church, which they personally witnessed.
Into His Presence(focus on worship – 10 mins)
the cell members in a time of adoration to God as led by the Holy Spirit.
Digging Deeper(focus on the word – 40 mins)
Topic: Evidence of
the Presence of the Pentecostal Fire
Main Text:
Acts 4:32-37
Memory Verse:
“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons
and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will
dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17)
evidence of the Pentecostal fire is not only seen in tongues speaking. The
evidence of the believers’ receiving power, cuts across all aspects of their
lives. The account of the cripple beggar at beautiful gate is evidence that
Peter has the Pentecostal fire in him. He said to the beggar, “… but what I
have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk” (Acts 3:6,
NIV). Peter had the fire so he could give to the cripple beggar. You cannot
give what you do not have. Again in Acts Chapter four, the Bible records that
when Peter and John were sent to the Sanhedrin, they spoke boldly under the
power of the Holy Spirit. Today’s lesson focuses on how the various gifts
received from the Pentecostal fire, affected the fellowship of the early
church. It also affected their giving and their whole way of life.
Discussion Questions
- What did the Holy Spirit do to the hearts of the believers, which enabled them to share all their things in common?
- How will you describe the fellowship that existed among the believers according to the main passage read?
- Apart from speaking in tongues what other thing has the Holy Spirit baptism done to your Christian life?
- What other Spiritual gifts do you have (apart from speaking in tongues) which testifies that you have received the Holy Spirit baptism?
- What other gifts do you desire from the Holy Spirit?
- How does the lesson practically apply to your life?
baptism in the Holy Spirit enables the believer to minister in spiritual gifts.
As each one has received a gift, we need to minister it to one another, as good
stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, let him speak as the
oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which
God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to
whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen (1 Pet. 4:10-11).
There is harmony, joy, love, peace and growth in the church if believers allow
all the gifts of the Holy Spirit to work genuinely in the church.
Stand with Me: (focus
on praying for members’ needs – 10 mins). Members should pray for one
another to exhibit the manifestation of the Holy Spirit individually. Any other
prayer needs could be raised.
Making Jesus Known(focus on evangelism – 10 mins)
members to pray for power for evangelism within the community. Pray also for
missions work and missionaries.
Smile Awhile:
on fellowship – 10 mins)
Lead members to share the personal benefits they have enjoyed from the Holy Spirit or share a friend’s testimony about their encounter with the Holy Spirit.
Lead members to share the personal benefits they have enjoyed from the Holy Spirit or share a friend’s testimony about their encounter with the Holy Spirit.
Into His Presence(focus on worship – 10 mins)
the cell members in a time of adoration to God as led by the Holy Spirit.
Digging Deeper(focus on the word – 40 mins)
Topic: The Importance
of the Pentecostal Fire
Main Text:
John 14:15-20, 25-27.
Memory Verse:
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit come on you; and you will be
my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to ends of the
earth.” (Acts 1:8, NIV)
Holy Spirit is very important in the life of the Christian. From the inception
of the church the Holy Spirit has played very important roles and has continue
to play such roles in the growth of the church today. On the day of Pentecost
when the disciples were baptised in the Holy Spirit, Peter preached the gospel
of Christ to the crowd that gathered around them in the power of the Holy
Spirit and three thousand souls gave their lives to Christ and were added to
the church instantly (Acts 2:41). It is obvious that it is the Holy Spirit that
gave him the enablement and the utterances to preach so powerfully. Today’s
lesson will focus on the importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of the
Discussion Questions
- Identify the two names that were given to the Holy Spirit in John 15:16 and 17?
- What difference does the Holy Spirit make between the life of the believer and that of the unbeliever (the world)?
- What are the responsibilities of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer?
- In what ways does the believer experience the presence of the Holy Spirit?
- How does the lesson practically apply to your life?
role of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is more than just speaking in new
tongues. Speaking in tongues is recognised as the initial evidence of the
presence of the Pentecost fire. The believer should however demonstrate in
practical life the importance of the Holy Spirit in his or her life as the
counsellor, teacher, protector, advocate and a guide. The Holy Spirit also convicts
the believer of sin and empowers for evangelism. Healing, exorcism, signs and
wonders are all the importance of the Holy Spirit that accompanies preaching
the word when one is baptised in the Holy Spirit.
Stand with Me: (focus on praying for members’ needs – 10
mins). Members should pray for one
another to be effective cell members and also for the cell to grow. Any other
prayer needs could be raised.
Making Jesus Known(focus on evangelism – 10 mins)
members to pray for unbelievers within the community, asking the Lord to save
them from the power of sin and Satan. Pray also for missions work and
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