Monday, 4 March 2013


Week 9: Sunday March 3, 2013

Discussion on Healthy Living

Main Text: 1 Samuel 4:12-18

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 6:19



Healthy living is making a conscious effort to ensure that, one’s body remains strong and vigorous enough for all the days God has given him or her. Fitness, wellbeing, strength and vigour are other words, for health. To be healthy means to be physically fit, well, strong, vigorous and hale and hearty. Man is a tripartite being. He has a soul, spirit and body. Many people including Christians tend to focus more on the development of the soul and the spirit to the detriment of the body. We must not take care of one and neglect the other. Our memory verse says; our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Paul prayed for not only our spirit and soul but also our bodies to be sanctified. It is pertinent that we cultivate the habit of healthy living.


Discussion Questions

1.    Why should we take care of our body? 1Corinthians 6:19

2.    What was Eli doing when the Benjamite arrived? 1Samuel 4:13

3.    Is physical exercise important for the Christian? Explain your answer.

4.    What happened to Eli when he heard about the ark of God? 1 Samuel 4:18

5.    Why did he go through that experience? 1 Samuel 4:18

6.    Can poor health affect a Christian’s life?


Eli though was an aged man (98 years) he could have lived longer if he had lived a more healthy life. We learn from the study that he was old and heavy. This presupposes that he was a man of very little physical activity. Smokers are liable to die young, avoid smoking like you would avoid a plague. Overeating will result to overweight which will in turn result to early death; beware! Indiscriminate use of drugs will damage your system and could end your life abruptly. Premarital intimacy between boys and girls is dangerous and deadly; it wrecks spiritually and may earn one with the deadly HIV virus. Avoid eating junk food and any food short of balanced diet. Remember your spirit and soul live in your body, so take good care of your body.

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