Monday, 18 March 2013


Week 12: Sunday March 24, 2013
Worship Time - His Excellent Greatness
Main Text: Psalm 150:2

Our call is to put God’s greatness on display. The psalmist uses the Hebrew word halal for praise. Halal means to be clear, to shine, to make a show, to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave and to celebrate. We can put God’s greatness on display by the way we live our lives, but we also should witness to his greatness with our words, deeds and actions.


  1. What do you know about the greatness of God?
  2. What ways can we express God’s greatness?
  3. In worship, what words can we use to express God’s greatness?
  4. Do the people with whom you come in contact everyday know of the greatness of God by how you live and the words you say?

Sing some songs about the greatness of God and then worship.

Monday, 11 March 2013


Week 11: Sunday March 17, 2013.


 The Cell Leader should lead or another person to lead the Cell members to pray for;

·         Ministers’ and Wives Conference

·         This conference is bringing ALL Pastors in Ghana and their wives to the Pentecost Convention Center at Kasoa.

·         Cell members should pray for travelling mercies

·         Ask God to send a mighty revival as Pastors meet.

·         Ask Cell Members to bring out other prayer points.

·         Easter Convention

o    Ask the Lord to reveal himself to members at the Convention.

o    Ask the Lord to draw converts to Himself during the Convention.

o    Pray that we shall experience the resurrection power at the convention.

o    Pray that people shall be set free and healed all diseases.

o    Ask Cell Members to bring out other prayer points.

Monday, 4 March 2013


Week 10: Sunday March 10, 2013.

Main Text: Acts 27:33-38

Memory Verse: 1 Timothy4:8


For many Christians, practising a healthy living lifestyle seems more difficult than doing ‘spiritual things’. Many Christians do not spend enough time to check on their health. For some circumstances such as jobs, frequent travels among others force them to eat and even sleep on the go. As much as the soul and the spirit prosper, the body must also prosper. The body prospers when we take good care of it and make sure it gets the best of fresh air, quality food and potable water.

Discussion Questions

1.        For how many days did the sailors go without food and why? Acts 27:33

2.        Why did Paul urge the sailor’s to eat? Acts 27:34

3.        What do you make of the statement “eat to live don’t live: to eat?

4.       What bad health practices should be avoided?

5.        What healthy practices should be encouraged?

6.       What practical healthy living practices /lessons have you learnt?


Your body is the container of your spirit and soul, when it is affected, the spirit will also be affected. As much as possible try to eat organic foods, avoid refined foods and be moderate on fatty foods. Avoid environments that are devoid of fresh air. Stuffy rooms are not good for your health. Moderate bodily exercise is profitable. It helps to keep you physically fit. It could be in the form of walking, jumping, jogging, or other less rigorous exercises. It is recommended that you allow an interval of about three hours between your supper and the time you go to bed. It is recommended that you go to bed between 9 and 10pm. It is said that every hour of sleep gained before midnight is worth two hours of sleep after midnight. Sunlight is good for your body. It could reduce the risk of breast cancer and decrease blood pressure. It is recommended that you take between 7 and 8 glasses of water daily. Grieves, bitterness, anger and malice are not good for your health. Remember that you have direct control on almost every aspect of your body so make sure it does not suffer from neglect.


Week 9: Sunday March 3, 2013

Discussion on Healthy Living

Main Text: 1 Samuel 4:12-18

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 6:19



Healthy living is making a conscious effort to ensure that, one’s body remains strong and vigorous enough for all the days God has given him or her. Fitness, wellbeing, strength and vigour are other words, for health. To be healthy means to be physically fit, well, strong, vigorous and hale and hearty. Man is a tripartite being. He has a soul, spirit and body. Many people including Christians tend to focus more on the development of the soul and the spirit to the detriment of the body. We must not take care of one and neglect the other. Our memory verse says; our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Paul prayed for not only our spirit and soul but also our bodies to be sanctified. It is pertinent that we cultivate the habit of healthy living.


Discussion Questions

1.    Why should we take care of our body? 1Corinthians 6:19

2.    What was Eli doing when the Benjamite arrived? 1Samuel 4:13

3.    Is physical exercise important for the Christian? Explain your answer.

4.    What happened to Eli when he heard about the ark of God? 1 Samuel 4:18

5.    Why did he go through that experience? 1 Samuel 4:18

6.    Can poor health affect a Christian’s life?


Eli though was an aged man (98 years) he could have lived longer if he had lived a more healthy life. We learn from the study that he was old and heavy. This presupposes that he was a man of very little physical activity. Smokers are liable to die young, avoid smoking like you would avoid a plague. Overeating will result to overweight which will in turn result to early death; beware! Indiscriminate use of drugs will damage your system and could end your life abruptly. Premarital intimacy between boys and girls is dangerous and deadly; it wrecks spiritually and may earn one with the deadly HIV virus. Avoid eating junk food and any food short of balanced diet. Remember your spirit and soul live in your body, so take good care of your body.