11, 2015.
Smile Awhile (focus on
fellowship- 10 minutes):
Lead children in the cell to share the most
interesting moments of the week.
Into His Presence (focus on
worship- 10 minutes):
A member of the group should lead the cell in a
time of adoration as directed by the Holy Spirit.
Digging Deeper (focus on the Word- 40 minutes):
Main Text: Deuteronomy 11: 18- 21
Memory Verse - “Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children
a reward from Him” Psalms 127:3 (NIV)
It is said that Children learn by observation and
imitation and this is very true in many respects. Most children, if not all,
are imitators who believe what they see and would repeat or imitate. There are
several media competing with parents over the mind and lifestyle of our
children and some of these media are very powerful and influential. These media
would use approaches and strategies that are deliberately designed to impart
certain values which are contrary to Christian ethics and standards, into our
children. Today, the media, be it electronic or print is influencing our
children- or having quality time with them, but in the negative sense. Teachers
have become role models and their values whether negative or positive, have
effects on our kids. Friends who come from various homes and backgrounds are
affecting our children. We can only win over these competitors when we
deliberately and consistently spend quality time with our children. Time with
them is time to transmit values and virtues.
Discussion Questions
1. How can Christian Values be transferred to or impressed
on Children?
2. How can we influence our Children more than
the media does?
3. In the thinking of children, how could parents
make their time with them enjoyable?
4. What activities prevent parents from having
quality time with their children?
5. How could parents make time for their kids in
the midst of their heavy schedules?
The only way by which children could be truly and
properly impacted is to spend consistent quality time with them living out what
is preached and opening up for them to ask questions. We must spend time to sit
with them for a chat, take a walk with them along the road and even lie down
with them telling them Bible stories before they sleep. Again, we need to give
them the opportunity to be around us when we are engaging in chores that are
not hazardous to them. Allow them to suggest and recommend the best ways they
expect parents and guardians to share time with them.
Stand with Me (focus on praying for members’
needs – 10 mins)
Members should pray for the District and local Assemblies
that God would give them an encounter.
Making Jesus Known (focus on evangelism – 10 mins)
Cell Leader/member leads the Cell to pray for unbelievers
within our families, asking the Lord to save them from the power of sin and