Smile awhile: (focus on
fellowship – 10 mins)
Lead cell members to mention their favourite food.
Into His Presence: (focus on
worship – 10 mins)
Lead the cell members in a time of adoration to
God as led by the Holy Spirit.
Digging deeper: (focus on
the Word- 40 mins.)
Memory Verse: Galatians 5:26 –
Let us not become conceited,
provoking and envying each other.
Main Text: 1 Kings 21:1-7
Envy has been described as the resentful or
unhappy feeling of wanting somebody else’s success, good fortune or
possessions. Simply put, it is wanting what someone else has. Envy is a
destructive feeling. It takes our eyes off the many blessings God has bestowed
on us and focuses our attention on other peoples’ talents and possessions. Envy
can plague the best of men, and it can be directed against a man’s wealth, good
looks, athletic prowess, spouse, children or skills. In today’s reading, the
rich and prosperous King Ahab envied the vineyard of Naboth and wanted it for
himself. Finally, he got Naboth killed and took the vineyard for himself. God’s
judgment on the matter was serious on Ahab and his family. Let’s study
Discussion Questions
1. Why did Ahab demand Naboth’s vineyard? verse 2
2. What makes Ahab’s request look envious? verse
3. From the passage, why did Naboth refuse to
give out his vineyard? verse 3
4. What happened to Ahab when Naboth refused to give
him the vineyard? verse 4
5. What did Jezebel say when she heard about
Naboth’s refusal? 1Kings 21: 7
6. How did the Lord react to the acts of Ahab and
Jezebel? verse 17-19, 23
7. How can you free yourself from the spirit of
We all at one time or the other have been angered
at someone else’s good fortune. When you are tempted to envy others, try to
focus on the good things about yourself and the things you excel in and thank
God for them. Strive to excel in your strengths. As a Christian, when you think
others envy you, don’t flaunt your strengths and abilities before them.
Instead, use your talents to help others. Make an effort to help and encourage
those you think could envy you. Envy is rottenness to the bone; it can make you
sick and lead to disastrous results as in the case of Ahab and Naboth.
Stand with me (focus on praying for members’
needs – 10 mins).
Members to pray for one another in turns for specific
needs. Also pray for members not to be envious.
Making Jesus Known (focus on evangelism – 10 mins)
Lead members to pray for the community, nation
and also all mission fields that the glory of God would be seen.