Monday, 22 July 2013


WEEK 30: Sunday July 28, 2013.

Prayer Time – Pray for the salvation of family members and friends

The Cell Leader should ask the Cell members to name persons in their family or friends who do not know the Lord.

  • Pray that the Lord will set them free from any bondage that has blinded their minds to the Gospel.
  • Pray that the Lord will reveal himself to them wherever they may be.
  • Pray that their hearts will be quickened to the Gospel.
  • Pray for boldness to share the Gospel with them.
  • Ask Cell members to bring out other Prayer Points. 

Monday, 15 July 2013


WEEK 29: Sunday July 21, 2013.

Study Discussion on Work-God Prospers Diligent Work

Main Text: Genesis 26:12-22

Memory Verse: Genesis 26:22

Introduction: This lesson is the concluding part of our studies on work. The focus is on what we can call honest work for which we should devote our time and energy.

We need to see work as a form of worship we render to God because: 

*He gives us our skill – (Ex. 36:1).        

*He gives us our work – (Gen. 2:15)

*He promotes us and blesses our work –(Ps. 75:6-7)

*He gives us our success e.g. Joseph – (Gen. 39:2-3)

*He gives us our earnings and wealth – (Deut. 8:18)

*He blesses us with resources and opportunities – (1 Chr. 29:12)

Examples of Work that Christians can undertake

¨      Professions like being a Lawyer, Medical Doctor, Teacher/Lecturer, Architect, Civil and Mechanical Engineer, Pharmacist, Accountant, Agriculturalist (Farmers), Nurse, Caterer, Fashion Designer etc. can be attained by Education.

¨      In the Forces’ work such as the Army, the Air Force, the Police Service, Fire Service, Prisons Service, Customs, Immigration etc. one can only rise high in rank through Education.

¨      There are artisans like the Auto Mechanic, Auto Electrician, Masons, Painters and Decorators, Driver-Mechanic, Seamstress, Hairdressing, Refrigeration, Mechanic, Business, Trade and Commerce.

¨      Unskilled Labour e.g. ‘kayayei’/ ‘paaopaa’ (porters), truck pushers, farm hands, laborers etc.

Discussion Questions

  1. What work did Isaac do according to verse 12?
  2. How did God bless the work of Isaac according to verse 12?
  3. What other work did Isaac do according to verse 14?
  4. What other work did Isaac do according to verse18?
  5. What did Abimelech say in verse 16 to testify that God had blessed Isaac?
  6. What lessons can we learn from the attitude of Isaac to work?
  7. How can we know the difference between acceptable work and unacceptable work?


From the discussion so far, we have recognized that God as the source and promoter of work. Therefore, we should please God at our work places so that we can get a very good reward. Whatever level of work we find ourselves in, we must be encouraged to keep upgrading ourselves to higher levels for our current level is not God’s ultimate for us.

Monday, 8 July 2013


WEEK 28: Sunday July 14, 2013.

Study Discussion on Work - Building Sound Working Relations

Main Text: Matthew 25:14-30

Memory Verse: Matthew 25:21


Often it is possible for individuals to work on their own to make a living. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to work within the following arrangements: Working with others as colleague employees; working with others as an employer; and working with someone as partners and joint owners of the business. Each of the scenarios calls for good relationship.
Relationship between the Christian Worker and Employer

¨      Obey your employer as you would obey Christ. (Col. 3:23-25)

¨      Respect your employer, even those who are harsh to you – (1 Pet. 2:18).

¨      Serve him/her with all your heart – (Eph. 6:7).

¨      Serve faithfully. Don’t hide sales or embezzle funds – (Matt. 25:21).

¨      Don’t gossip or say bad things about your employer – (Prov. 20:19).

¨      Expect your ultimate reward from God not man – (Eph. 6:7-8).

Relationship between the Christian Worker and Fellow Workers

¨      Be cooperative and accommodating.

¨      Don’t say bad things about your fellow worker to your employer – (Prov. 30:10).

¨      Respect and honour your fellow workers – (Matt. 7:12).

¨      Don’t plot with fellow workers to steal or do anything that will retard the progress of the work.

Discussion Questions

  1. Who is the real owner of the work you do for a living?
  2. What are you doing with the resources God has given you?
  3. What is the relationship between you and your employer?
  4. What is your relationship with your fellow employees?
  5. What is your relationship with your employees?
  6. What is your relationship with your business partners?


For lasting fruitful and cordial working relations Christians should be seen to set good examples in our various work environments. We should seek to promote good human relations and work ethics whether as employers or as employees. We should do the same when we are in partnership with others. Some building blocks for good human relations in the work environment are faithfulness, trustworthiness, and effective and efficient application of available resources.


WEEK 27: Sunday July 7, 2013.

Study Discussion on Work - The Reward of Hard Work

Main Text: Genesis 24:10-22

Memory Verse: Proverbs 10:4 “He becometh poor that worketh with a slack hand; but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.” ASV


In this lesson, we will be treating the Christian’s attitude to work. Diligence in work brings in good returns of profit whilst slackness brings in poverty and untold suffering.

The journey from Mamre (in Canaan) to Nahor would have been approximately a five hundred mile trek. Travelling with ten camels over such a distance therefore required the availability of water to ensure both the survival of the animals and timely completion of the journey. On arrival also both the traveler and the means of transportation needed water to replenish what had been lost in the journey. Camels can drink 30 gallons of water in 10 minutes and  walk for as long as 100 miles (160km) a day.

Rebecca had the privilege to water ten camels. Unknown to her the animals were carrying goods for a hardworking young woman as bridal price. Her character was tested to the limit, but she proved her worth as someone who was worthy to receive the goods as her dowry. She was a hardworking woman.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why did Rebecca readily offer to water the ten camels?
  2. Why was Rebecca able to water the ten camels?
  3. What major quality did the servant use to choose a wife for Isaac?
  4. How did Rebecca present herself as someone worthy of a husband as Isaac?
  5. What lessons do you learn from Rebecca’s attitude to work?
  6. Who benefitted most after Rebecca had watered the camels?

As Christians we must be committed to excelling in whatever work we do – (Dan. 6:1-3). Like Rebecca we must be punctual to work, diligent in service, and faithful in doing God’s pleasure. Our ultimate goal should be to glorify God – (Col. 3:17-23). However, we need to rest when necessary – we don’t have to be workaholics. Gen. 2:2. Christian parents need among other things to inculcate in their children the dignity of labour. This helps children to grow up into responsible citizens who excel in their various fields of endeavor.