Monday, 24 June 2013


WEEK 26: Sunday June 30, 2013.

CELL OUTREACH - Organize a Social Action to serve as a Means of Evangelism

 Some social Actions/activities that can be embarked on

                                                              i.      Clean Up Exercise

                                                            ii.      Games

                                                          iii.      Visit to Clinics/Hospitals

                                                          iv.      Visit to the Aged, widows and orphans


Monday, 17 June 2013


WEEK 25: Sunday June 23, 2013.
The Father Seeks True Worshippers

Main Text: Genesis 6:9-22

Memory Verse: John 4: 23


God is looking for those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. One would naturally think that, surrounded with such millions of angelic creatures, so much more fit to praise Him, God would not think of looking about on Earth to be satisfied with what imperfect worship we could render to Him. Yet, He just turns His back on it all, as it were, and searches out among us, a soul here on Earth that will worship Him in sincerity. This text should encourage us to worship in spirit and in truth since that act will cause God to notice us. Certainly, when the Father finds a true worshipper, He would shower His love and grace upon him/her.

Discussion Questions

  1. How would you describe Noah? Gen. 6:9
  2. How do you understand this statement? Gen. 6:9, 11
    1. “Noah was a righteous man,
    2. blameless among the people of his time and
    3. he walked with God”.
  3. Would you say Noah was a True worshipper in his time? Explain your answer.
  4. From the following verses, discuss the marks of true worshippers with regards to;
    1. Relationship with God-Gen. 6: 13.
    2. The Covenant with God-Gen. 6:18.
    3. Obedience to God-Gen. 6:22.
  5. What blessing did Noah enjoy as a true worshipper?
According to 2 Chronicles 16:9a, the eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.' God is seeking true worshippers. For the Bible to state that Noah was blameless among the people of his time, it indicates that he was a true worshipper. Thus, God revealed Himself to Him, established His covenant with him and showed him what to do in the days of adversity. Though the task was difficult, Noah did everything God commanded him.  True worshippers are righteous, blameless and walk with God.

Monday, 10 June 2013


WEEK 24: Sunday June 16, 2013.

Practical Manifestation of True Worship

Main Text: Acts 10:34-46

Memory Verses: Ephesians 5:18-19


In this lesson we shall look at practical manifestation of true worship, particularly songs, music in general and speaking in tongues in adoration.

·         The beautiful life of worship is the outflow of a heart and life: filled with the loving-kindness (mercy, grace, and favour) of God (Lk 6:45)

·         It comes out as a flow in every part of one’s life and from one’s mouth as meaningful Psalms, songs, or “speaking in tongues”  (I Cor. 14:15-17).

·         It expresses the union of the spirit of man and the Holy Spirit by which the overflow of the heart is poured forth in words or songs for enhanced prayer.

In times of socio-economic hardship and religious persecution practical manifestations of worship inspire young men and young women, Ministers of the Gospel, and even children to sing to praise God. What has been your experience? 

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the practical manifestation of worship in the life of Cornelius and his household? Acts 10:46
  2. In what ways do you think “spiritual songs” are practical manifestations of worship?
  3. What other practical manifestations of worship are you familiar with?
  4. In what ways do you see practical manifestations of worship in your life?
  5. What is the necessity of speaking in tongues in worship?

To grow in and enjoy the benefits of true worship, the disciple of Christ should seek to walk in intimate fellowship with God. Flowing out of this relationship is the fullness of the Holy Spirit. This leads to practical manifestations of true worship such as speaking in tongues, spiritual songs, prophecy, and many others.

Monday, 3 June 2013


WEEK 23: Sunday June 9, 2013.

The Disciple’s Reflection of the Life of Christ

Main Text: 3 John 1-12
Memory Verse: Romans 12:1


Christ set us a perfect example of true worship while he was on earth. In this lesson we shall look at how as Disciples of Christ we can walk in his footprints.

We present ourselves as true Disciples of Christ when we believe in his ideas and principles of godliness, and commit ourselves to living as he did. Our utmost responsibility is to please Jesus, who is our Master, in everything we do. Just like Jesus we should be marked by absolute reverential fear towards God and his creation. This helps us:

·         to obey God without coercion, regardless of the cost

·         to relate cordially with our fellow humans unrestrained by relational gaps

·         to submit to one another regardless of differences in social status

For his love of money, fame, and power, an officer of a Pentecostal church teamed up with a member of the church to undermine the ministry of a colleague officer. Yet both conspirators speak in heavy tongues. In what ways can this ignoble act be in the will of God?

 Discussion Questions

  1. How did Gaius’ life reflect that of Christ in worship?
  2. How did Demetrius life reflect that of Christ in worship?
  3. How did the life of Diotrephes reflect that of Christ in worship?
  4. Why do some people find it easier to worship God with their lips than to do so with their lives?
  5. How do you resemble Christ in the way you worship God?

True worship is further highlighted as follows:  If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, "Depart in peace, be warmed and filled," but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. (Jam 2:15-17 NKJV).


WEEK 22: Sunday June 2, 2013.

Worship Time – My Lord, My Love

Scripture Reading: Mark 14:3

The woman as described by Mark broke an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume on Jesus’ head. What a beautiful experience. She gave her all to honour Jesus whiles he was alive. For her, Jesus was her Lord and her love. Our act of worship should be inspired by the fact that Jesus is our Lord and love.


  1. Is Jesus your Lord or your love?
  2. What can you do to demonstrate that Jesus is your Lord and Love?
  3. Like the woman, what expensive jar do we have in our hands to pour on the head of our King?

Sing some songs about the Lord Jesus and your love for Him.